Webinars - Basic Information
Before your first webinar, make sure to check the following technical information to get ready!
For your very first webinar, we recommend that you join the meeting 15 min earlier to resolve any technical issues.
In EDUA Webinars, we use the three following applications:
Google Meet
A Google application similar to Skype we use to see and talk to each other.
You don't have to install anything, just click the link provided in the invitation email and join the meeting.
You can also watch a short tutorial here.
Google Slides
A Google application allowing us to work in a shared document during the webinar. You can basically treat it as an electronic whiteboard.
You will be able to access it via a link provided in the invitation email. Make sure to have it ready before the webinar starts.
You can also watch a short tutorial here.
A vocabulary application we use for some activities in selected webinars to provide more interaction.
You will need to create an account before the webinar (you can use your Facebook or Google account for that).
You can also watch a short tutorial here.
After each webinar, you will receive a completed version of the Google Slides presentation in case you want to refer to it later.
Useful tips
Use a headset/headphones and a microphone for better sound quality
Find a quiet place and try to eliminate any background noise
You can use a pen and a notebook to make notes, however, the Google Slides presentation serves the same purpose so feel free to insert your notes there as well