WebEx Manual

Should the prefered tool for online classes with your students be WebEx, don't panic, just follow the instructions below. It works on a very similar basis as Skype or Google Hangouts.

If your students want you to teach them through this tool, they will send you a link to WebEx conference. You do not need to download or install any software/ applications. All you need is a laptop or PC with internet connection, microphone and camera.

Below you can see some screenshots to help you join the meeting easily. However, it may be useful to get in touch with some of your students and have a quick test call prior to the lesson as well.

Step 1: Click the link in the email.

Step 2: Choose the option to join from browser (Google Chrome is used below).

Step 3: Fill in your full name and the email address the meeting invitation has been sent to.

Step 4: Confirm by joining the meeting. Make sure your camera and microphone are not muted.