The Almanac is not just a collection of ready-to-go lesson plans, but also an illustration of the creativity that our teachers use every day in their lessons. Perhaps most importantly of all, the Almanac is not only a teaching tool but also a learning tool. Modern education is based on exchanging experience: we believe that every one of our teachers can give a lot to others and we therefore aim to create as many opportunities for exchanging ideas as possible. The Almanac is one such tool. We wish you inspirational reading and frequent usage!
The JCL Almanac - 2017
The Almanac contains the best lesson plans from the Lesson Plan of the Year Competition in 2017. The competition was open to JCL teachers of all languages.
You can find here lesson plans for English, Czech for foreigners and French.
The JCL Almanac - 2018
The Almanac contains the best lesson plans from the Lesson Plan of the Year Competition in 2018. The competition was open to JCL teachers of all languages.
You can find here lesson plans for English, Czech for foreigners and German.