JCL Online Conference 2022- Summary and Talks
We ran the conference on May 14th, hosting 5 speakers who presented to teachers from the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland. The audience enjoyed a variety of topics, from looking at the usefulness of phrasebooks to reducing L1 usage in the classroom (from both teachers and students).
As always, we focused the conference towards practical topics that teachers of all languages might find interesting.
We really appreciate everyone who took the time to attend the conference and listen to what our speakers had to say, and we hope that everyone found it an enjoyable event. If you have any suggestions or comments you’d like to share with us, please email dos@eduagroup.cz.
Letošní konference se konala 14. května; přivítali jsme 5 speakrů, kteří mluvili k publiku složenému z lektorů z České republiky, Slovenska a Polska. Nabídli jim širokou škálu témat od významu konverzačních příruček až po minimalizaci použití mateřského jazyka ve výuce (a to jak na straně lektora, tak na straně studentů).
Jako vždy jsme se snažili, aby vám konference nabídla praktická témata, která osloví lektory všech jazyků.
Velmi si ceníme každého, kdo s námi konferenci navštívil, a doufáme, že jste si ji patřičně užili. Máte-li jakékoli návrhy či komentáře, dejte nám prosím vědět na e-mail dos@eduagroup.cz.
Conference Schedule
09:00 - 09:15
Bibiana Machátová + Tom Jowett (EDUA Academic Dept.)
Introduction and opening comments
09:15 - 10:00
Hugh Dellar
New Routes to Fluency: Phrasebooks, Coursebooks and Teaching Spoken English
In this talk, we’ll be looking at why students choose to come to language classes to learn English and exploring the implications this has for the kinds of materials we use. We’ll look at some of the ways in which traditional coursebooks often fail to help our students achieve fluency in spoken English and will then move on to consider some surprising new routes to fluency, and ways in which we could help our learners explore these avenues.
10:10 - 10:55
Soňa Pazderová
Using Genially in Your Lessons
Would you like to include more digital visual aids in your lessons and get your students talk? This session will examine a set of interactive images created in Genial.ly and offer tips how to use them as a basis for communicative tasks.
11:10 - 12:00
Thomas Mander-Jones
Exam Preparation- Approaches and Uses
We will focus on exam preparation and how we, as teachers, can prepare our students for international exams. There are many types of exams out there but this talk looks specifically at the structure of Cambridge exams. We will also examine ways in which students can improve their range of language and enhance language skills & systems needed to pass them. Furthermore, we will focus on the benefits exam content can have outside of exam class and how we can use such material as a springboard for developing students overall learning acquisition.
LUNCH BREAK (1 hour)
13:00 - 13:45
Katka Hrušková
Reducing L1 Use in the Classroom
What is the right amount of L1 in an EFL class? Or should it be left out completely? We'll be looking at situations when teachers and students tend to use L1 unnecessarily and we'll be focusing on different principles to follow to help our students become independent users of L2.
14:00 - 14:45
Tereza Gronhaug
Introducing Apps to the Classroom
The talk looks at effective strategies that will help you incorporate (not only) language learning apps into your teaching as well as your students’ learning. It presents two apps, Quizlet and Miro, and their particular use in the speaker’s own practice including a few hacks.
14:45 - 15:00
Tom Jowett
Closing notes