Login Information to Online Resources
Teachers drive (Online library)
Teachers drive is a shared Google drive, where you can find most commonly used coursebooks (for English, German, Czech, Spanish, French, Italian, and Russian) in PDF and MP3 files.
To log in, go to drive.google.com and use your eduagroup.directory credentials:
username - name.surname@eduagroup.directory
password - Edua1478 (default - change once you log in!)
Wordwall is a web page which enables you to prepare creative and interactive activities for your students easily. Click here to enter the web page.
Ellii (ESL Library)
Ellii provides tons of ready-to-go lesson plans. Click here to enter the web page.
ESL Brains
ELS Brains offers ready-made lesson plans for A2-C2 students. Each lesson plan has a worksheet and printable materials as well as an e-version of the whole lesson in Ggl slides.
You can find selected lesson plans on the Teachers Drive (eduagroup.directory Google drive). The librarians will update the lesson plans on a regular basis.
TeachThis offers a wide variety of materials for all levels - a lot of materials focused on low level students (A1-B1) makes this resource rather unique. Click here to enter the web page.
One Stop English
One Stop English offers a wide variety of interesting activities. Click here to enter the web page.
Linguahouse offers ready-made lessons, worksheets, and other resources. Click here to enter the web page.
Campus Difusión
Campus Difusión offers various materials for your Spanish classes. Click here to enter the web page and check out the materials.