Mandatory Training Sessions
EDUA mandatory training sessions for English teachers
Materials and Resources
Choosing the right textbook
Making the most of a textbook
Using authentic materials
led by Adam Tatar
Lesson Planning
Stages of a lesson
Predicting potential problems and contingency planning
Drafting a lesson
led by Katka Hrušková
How to Determine Your Student's Level
What is taught and what students should know at what level
Guidelines to determine the student's level (considering all skills: speaking, writing, listening and reading)
Examples of production of different level students
led by Katka Hrušková
Reducing TTT
Why teachers might talk too much
Magic formula for reducing TTT
Where and how to increase STT
led by Kara Magalhaes
Error Correction
Types of mistakes
When (not) to correct mistakes
How (not) to correct mistakes
led by Adam Tatar
Business English
Difference between general English and business English
Business English textbooks and other materials
Main principles of leading a BE course
led by Kara Magalhaes
How to Teach Online - Basics
Use of basic Google slides features
How to create interactive lesson materials
The focus is on using tech effectively, not computer basics. If you’re not tech-savvy, the F2F workshop might be better.
led by Danielle Kindle
EDUA povinné tréninky pro lektory jiných jazyků než angličtiny
Základy metodiky EDUA
povinný trénink pro lektory jiných jazyků než angličtiny
určení jazykové úrovně studenta
plánování lekcí
oprava chyb
trénink vede Tereza Javornická
Základy výuky online
Výhody a nevýhody online lekcí
Nástroje pro online výuku
Tipy a doporučení
trénink vede Kristián Centek
EDUA mandatory training sessions for teachers of other languages than English
EDUA Methodology Basics
a mandatory webinar for teachers of other languages than English
Determining your student's level
Lesson planning
Error correction
led by Adam Tatar
How to Teach Online - Basics
Use of basic Google slides features
How to create interactive lesson materials
Lesson planning shortcuts (NOT methodology! just maximum result with minimum effort)
led by Danielle Kindle