Teachers have said / asked:



I can’t log in to the administrative interface even though I’m using the correct name and password.

If you want to log in to Schoolpartner, always click on “Remember me on this computer”. If you don’t want the computer you’re using to remember your password, use an incognito window.

No logout from the administrative part of the system - I have to return to the main system.

This is not true. You can log out from the administrative interface by clicking on the three blue lines in the top right corner. A new window will pop up and will offer, amongst other functions, the option to log out of the system.


What happens with all the students who excuse themselves from the lessons only by informing their teachers?

If your student simply informs you that they would like to cancel a lesson, remind them that they should enter this information into the administrative interface as well, since the teacher has no way of doing that for them. The teacher has only the following options in the system: “Present” (if the lesson takes place) or “Absent” (if the lesson didn’t take place, the student(s) didn’t excuse themselves 24 hrs prior to the lesson through the system. This lesson will be paid).

Based on the administrative interface, I am not able to tell when a student lets me know they couldn’t make it to the lesson.

If a student from an individual course cancels a lesson, you as their teacher will be informed that the lesson has been cancelled and you should offer replacement dates. If they cancel later than 24 hrs prior to the lesson, you will be notified that the lesson has been cancelled late. Concerning group courses, the only relevant data is the last student’s cancellation. When this student excuses his/herself from a lesson, the system will evaluate whether the lesson was cancelled late or in time.

In the administrative interface, I can see that there are 2/3 students currently registered for the lesson, however, I don’t know which student is not going to attend the lesson.

The administrative interface marks the student who won’t be coming to the lesson. If you click a specific course for more details, you can see the student who won’t be attending marked with a bubble icon.

It seems like when there is one student from a group course not attending, the whole course needs to take place on another date.

This is not true. A group course is cancelled and needs a replacement date only when all students have excused themselves from the lesson before the deadline.

What happens if my student goes on holiday and won’t have time to replace all cancelled lessons?

This is not the teacher’s responsibility to solve - in such a case, the student can get in touch with the CM responsible and ask them for help with the situation.


Can I offer a replacement lesson that will take place prior to the cancelled lesson?

Yes, a lesson cancelled in advance can be replaced within 30 days prior to the cancelled lesson or 30 days after the original lesson.

When entering a replacement offer, the system wouldn’t let me offer any time in the following 4 days from the cancelled date. Why?

When offering replacement lessons and asking our students to vote for the most suitable date, we need to provide enough time for the students to take part in the voting- 48 working hours + possibly the weekend.

What shall I do when I want to schedule a replacement lesson for an earlier date than 4 days after the cancelled lesson?

In that case, you need to agree with your student(s) on a replacement date through other ways than Schoolpartner and enter the date afterwards as agreed on.

I’ve offered replacement dates and haven’t heard back from my students. What will happen next?

Your students have 48 working hours to vote for the replacement lesson. If they pick a date, the date will be confirmed in your calendar. 


How to enter attendance for courses with a flexible schedule.

If you have flexible courses in your schedule, you can enter attendance in the weekly schedule by clicking on the button in the bottom right-hand corner- a blue circle with a white plus sign in it.

Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to enter a late cancellation.

The status “absent” means a student cancelled the lesson after the deadline, in other words a late cancellation).


In the administrative interface, I can’t see students’ attendance in previous lessons.

In the administrative interface, you can always go to the weekly calendar and go back to your previous lessons- after clicking on them, you will see your students’ attendance. The general overview however is available in the full interface of Schoolpartner (mainly used when closing down a month). The full interface of Schoolpartner is able to work with the huge volume of data required, the administrative interface on the other hand comes handy for every-day administration.