English-Speaking Therapists in Prague

On this page, you can find a list of helping centres and individual therapists who provide counselling in English and are active in Prague. Most of them offer both F2F and online sessions. We hope that this list will serve as a starting point in case you're struggling and looking for help.

A sidenote: The list was created solely on our attempt to help you navigate through the field of mental health support. EDUA Group doesn't have any link to any of the providers mentioned below.

The webpage expats.cz provides a list of various therapists along with a reviews function for you to gain as much information about them as possible.

It serves as a signpost of various English speaking therapists.

Mental health centers

The Canadian Medical provides medical care to expats in the Czech Republic, specifically in Prague and Brno. It covers various specializations one of which, of course, is psychology.

*You need to become a member of Canadian Medical in order to use its services.

The National Institute of Mental Healts provides outpatient care in various areas.

Prague Integration is a group of English-speaking counsellors, therapists, and trainers. It provides individual support programmes as well as organizes workshops and events focused on mental health.

Individual psychotherapists and counsellors

The following list was created in alphabetical order and serves as a suggestion. It is not a complete list of English speaking therapists in Prague.

To confirm that there's anything your health insurance company can help you with - they can recommend a specific therapist to you or (partly) cover your expenses, please reach out to them directly. They have lists of specialists who work with them or can prepare a personalized list for you.