The Compensation for a Lost Opportunity (CLO)
The compensation or "CLO" is the path we are taking to give you, our teachers, greater income security.
Is every teacher eligible for the compensation?
The project is aimed at teachers who work with us on a trade license. Once this condition is met, we do not take into account the amount of lessons taught. It doesn't matter whether you teach five or fifteen courses with us, you are eligible for the compensation once the form of cooperation is a trade license.
What does CLO mean?
Each month, we will prepare an overview of how many lessons you have scheduled* based on your schedule in Schoolpartner. CLO then means that if your students cancel a large number of lessons and you can't find a way to replace them, we will make up your income** so that it is 80% of the scheduled volume.
Here is an example:
Your monthly income is assumed to be CZK 24,000. However, students cancel lessons for various reasons and on time, so that your income is CZK 17,000 despite all efforts to schedule replacement lessons. Since the unwanted action is on the part of the students and not on your part, we will compensate your income for the month to CZK 19,200 (80% of the total amount). Therefore, you will receive CZK 17,000 for the lessons you have taught, and CZK 2,200 as compensation from the EDUA Group.
*If you have flexible courses in your schedule, we default to 3x60 minutes per month. Catalogue courses are removed from the entire calculation.
**The minimum amount of compensation from our side is CZK 100. In case of a lower difference in the amounts, we do not apply the compensation.
How is the programme beneficial to me, or what are my responsibilities?
We often face a situation in which students often cancel lessons and are not very cooperative with replacement lessons - so the teacher loses their income. CLO is therefore a programme designed to prevent (however unintentional) damage to the teacher by their students.
Since the programme protects teachers in case of frequent cancellations by students, we expect that there will be no frequent cancellations* on your (the teacher's) part. Under the programme you have the option to cancel 7% of your scheduled lessons, and once in the January-July and August-December period you have the option to cancel 5 consecutive days as a compact time off - your eligibility for CLO will not be affected.
*Please note that even a lesson cancellation for the sake of rescheduling it is considered cancellation by the teacher.
How do I take a few days off while remaining eligible for CLO?
If you are planning a leave of up to 5 consecutive days per period (January-July or August-December) and want to keep your CLO, enter your leave dates in the My Availability section of the full version of Schoolpartner and click The Compensation for a Lost Opportunity (CLO) button. This way the system will not count the entered time off towards the cancelled hours. Please note that the button will not be active if you have already claimed the compensation-time off in the period.
Where can I see specific numbers?
You can find the overview for the month, the current status and a summary of the previous month in the administrative interface of Schoolpartner when you click on the banknote icon.
The first part of the information is designed to display the current month - the general overview and more details on the current status:
In the second part, you can see the summary of the previous month. The red marked status announcement is crucial for you when it comes to sending the invoice. As soon as the CLO claim is checked and officially confirmed / declined, you'll find the information here and send the invoice.
How does CLO impact the invoicing process?
The teacher is still required to complete the monthly close-down by 12:00 noon on the 1st of the following month. In the event that you are not eligible for CLO / the compensation, the deadline for submitting invoices is the same, which is 12:00 noon on the 1st of the following month. The system will display this information, i.e. that you are not entitled to the compensation, at the monthly closing date.
In the event that a CLO entitlement potentially arises, you will see a message in Schoolpartner that the close-down is awaiting confirmation / has been confirmed and the deadline for submitting invoices is extended potentially until 12:00 noon on the 6th day of the following month. The conclusion of the verification process will always be announced by a message in Schoolpartner and by email. We would appreciate it if you do not wait until the deadline to send invoices and send them as soon as possible after the message appears or as soon as you receive an informative email.