
Some of the benefits offered depend on the number of courses in the teacher's schedule. There are three categories of schedules: 

The discounts for language courses, prep courses and professional training are subject to the following rules:

1 group course = any group language/preparatory/professional course

The discounts can be used for not more than two group courses (of any type) in a school year and not more than one course in each trimester. The trimesters are as follows: 

Note 1: It may happen that a course will not start or that there will not be a free spot. 

Note 2: Individual language courses do not fall under the limit of the two group courses per school year and the discount on these courses can be applied extra. 

One-time bonus for travelling

The bonus = the price of a yearly transportation pass in Prague (Lítačka).

When am I eligible for the bonus?

How do I get the bonus? 

10.000 CZK bonus for EDUA Group's and clients' satisfaction with the teacher´s work

The bonus will be awarded and added to my salary after twelve months of cooperation. 

When am I eligible for the bonus?


How do I get the bonus?

Monthly bonus 1.200 CZK

The bonus will be added to my reward at the end of the month. 

When am I eligible for the bonus?

How do I get the bonus?

Google Drive 15GB

Each EDUA Group teacher has a 15 GB Google storage drive which can be used to store documents, presentations and other materials for teachers. Google Drive is also where we make basic teaching materials available to teachers. 

When am I eligible for the benefit?

How do I get the benefit?

MultiSport Card

The price of the card is 1370 CZK / month. The price of a companion card is 1600 CZK / month, the price of a children's companion card is 500 CZK / month (each MultiSport card holder can set up a companion card for one close person and from one to three children).

Payment is based on an invoice sent by EDUA Group to the teacher's e-mail address each month (exceptionally, payment may be made by payroll deduction by prior arrangement). The invoice is always sent at the beginning of the month in which the card will be used, the payment due date is usually 7 days from the date of issue.

For more information about the MultiSport card, please visit

When am I eligible for the benefit?

How do I get the benefit? 

MS TEAMS License

For teaching online lessons to our clients, EDUA Group provides teachers with a full license of MS Teams, so that teachers can use all the functionalities of this platform (including breakout rooms). 

When am I eligible for the benefit?

How do I get the benefit?

It is possible to attend a Czech mini-group course. 

When am I eligible for the bonus?

How do I sign up for a course?

Group public language course for teachers at JŠ Jipka

The discount depends on my schedule in the following way:

When am I eligible for the benefit?

How do I sign up for a course?

Professional Top Vision training for teachers

The discount depends on my schedule:

When am I eligible for the benefit?

How do I sign up for a course?

Tutor´s prep courses for teachers or their family members

The discount depends on my schedule in the following way:

When am I eligible for the benefit?

How do I sign up or sign my family member up?

Individual language courses for teachers at JŠ Jipka with a 30% off a package

When am I eligible for the benefit?

How do I sign up?

ITIC card

ITIC (International Teacher Identity Card) is the only internationally recognised document for teachers. It gives you a lot of attractive discounts for travelling, cultural events, sports activities, and leisure. For more information, see

The card is valid for 16 months, from September to December of the following year. All cards issued in the same period have the same expiry date. 

When am I eligible for the benefit?

How do I get the benefit?

Bonus for recommending a new teacher

If you recommend a new teacher and we hire them, you can get a total bonus of up to 5.000 CZK. The bonus is paid twice, after 3 and 12 months of the new teacher´s cooperation with EDUA and depends on the new teacher´s schedule:

When am I eligible for the bonus?

How do I get the bonus?

Bonus for participating in the mandatory training organised for teachers by EDUA Group

A new EDUA Group teacher should attend a set of mandatory teacher training seminars in their first month at the company. The number of seminars and the bonus for attending them depends on the language taught:

If a teacher of a language other than English attends all 7 training seminars, they will also receive a bonus of 1.500 CZK

When am I eligible for the bonus?

How do I get the bonus?

Bonus for a new client

A teacher who acquires a new client for in-company courses at James Cook Languages will receive a bonus three months after the courses in this company start. The bonus depends on the income from the company: 

When am I eligible for the bonus?

How do I get the bonus?

500 CZK bonus for a successful demonstration lesson

When am I eligible for the bonus?

How do I get the bonus?