Some of the benefits offered depend on the number of courses in the teacher's schedule. There are three categories of schedules:
Full-time - the teacher has at least twenty-four 45-minute lessons a week in their schedule.
Part-time - the teacher has between ten and twenty-three 45-minute lessons a week in their schedule.
Minor - the teacher has nine or fewer 45-minute lessons a week in their schedule.
The discounts for language courses, prep courses and professional training are subject to the following rules:
1 group course = any group language/preparatory/professional course
The discounts can be used for not more than two group courses (of any type) in a school year and not more than one course in each trimester. The trimesters are as follows:
Note 1: It may happen that a course will not start or that there will not be a free spot.
Note 2: Individual language courses do not fall under the limit of the two group courses per school year and the discount on these courses can be applied extra.
One-time bonus for travelling
The bonus = the price of a yearly transportation pass in Prague (Lítačka).
When am I eligible for the bonus?
I am a full-time teacher and at least 20% of my courses are face-to-face, with the majority taking place in Prague,
for a period of twelve (12) months.
How do I get the bonus?
I contact the HR Department ( which will verify eligibility for the bonus.
If the conditions are met, the bonus will be paid to me with my remuneration for the services rendered, no later than the last day of the month following the month in which the bonus was earned. The bonus is paid for a period of 12 months.
The condition of teaching face-to-face is applied only if EDUA Group has some face-to-face lessons on offer.
If one or some of my courses end through no fault of mine and I no longer meet the requirements for the bonus, EDUA Group is going to offer me a new course so that I am still eligible for the bonus.
If I stop meeting the conditions for eligibility for the bonus and do not start meeting the conditions again in the next succeeding month, my eligibility for the bonus will cease and an aliquot portion of the bonus awarded will be deducted from my next pay. However, if I cease to qualify for the bonus between June and August, the qualifying period for re-qualification is September.
If, during the 12-month period, I terminate my cooperation or stop teaching my last course, my entitlement to the bonus will cease and an aliquot portion of the bonus awarded will be deducted from my next pay.
10.000 CZK bonus for EDUA Group's and clients' satisfaction with the teacher´s work
The bonus will be awarded and added to my salary after twelve months of cooperation.
When am I eligible for the bonus?
I teach for James Cook Languages or Jipka and during the past 12 months I have taught at least 1000x45-minute lessons.
I am a supplier of EDUA Group, i.e. I do not have a DPP or DPČ contract.
I have not given up any courses in the last 12 months.
I get positive feedback from my students.
I perform all administrative duties properly and on time.
I communicate with all relevant departments without any problems.
I do not get repeated negative feedback or below-standard observation score (marked either “slightly below standard”, “below standard”, or with a score lower than 2.5)
How do I get the bonus?
If I meet all the requirements for the bonus, I will be contacted by the HR department.
Monthly bonus 1.200 CZK
The bonus will be added to my reward at the end of the month.
When am I eligible for the bonus?
I am a supplier of EDUA Group, i.e. I do not have a DPP or DPČ contract.
As of the 20th of the month, I am a full-time teacher.
I perform all administrative duties properly and on time.
I communicate with all relevant departments without any problems.
How do I get the bonus?
If I meet all the requirements for the bonus, I will be contacted by the HR department.
Google Drive 15GB
Each EDUA Group teacher has a 15 GB Google storage drive which can be used to store documents, presentations and other materials for teachers. Google Drive is also where we make basic teaching materials available to teachers.
When am I eligible for the benefit?
I teach for James Cook Languages or Jipka.
If I terminate my co-operation or stop teaching my last course, my entitlement to the benefit will cease.
How do I get the benefit?
Google storage is automatically activated for each teacher upon joining.
MultiSport Card
The price of the card is 1370 CZK / month. The price of a companion card is 1600 CZK / month, the price of a children's companion card is 500 CZK / month (each MultiSport card holder can set up a companion card for one close person and from one to three children).
Payment is based on an invoice sent by EDUA Group to the teacher's e-mail address each month (exceptionally, payment may be made by payroll deduction by prior arrangement). The invoice is always sent at the beginning of the month in which the card will be used, the payment due date is usually 7 days from the date of issue.
For more information about the MultiSport card, please visit
When am I eligible for the benefit?
I am a full-time or part-time teacher.
I have been teaching for James Cook Languages or Jipka for more than 3 months.
I perform all administrative duties properly and on time.
I communicate with all relevant departments without any problems.
If one or some of my courses end through no fault of mine and I no longer meet the requirements for the benefit, EDUA Group is going to offer me a new course so that I am still eligible for the benefit.
If I stop meeting the conditions for eligibility for the benefit and do not start meeting the conditions again in the next succeeding month, my eligibility for the benefit will cease. However, if I cease to meet the conditions for entitlement to the benefit between June and August, the qualifying period for re-meeting the conditions is the month of September.
If I terminate my co-operation or stop teaching my last course, my entitlement to the benefit will cease.
Failure to pay an invoice, even after a reminder, will result in forfeiture of the benefit.
How do I get the benefit?
I contact the HR Department ( which will verify eligibility for the benefit.
If the conditions are met, the HR Department will send me a card application to complete.
The completed card application must be sent to the HR Department by the 10th of the month (the card will be valid from the 1st of the following month), and cancellation must be reported by the 20th of the month (the card will be cancelled on the last day of the month).
MS TEAMS License
For teaching online lessons to our clients, EDUA Group provides teachers with a full license of MS Teams, so that teachers can use all the functionalities of this platform (including breakout rooms).
When am I eligible for the benefit?
I am a full-time or part-time teacher.
I perform all administrative duties properly and on time.
I communicate with all relevant departments without any problems.
If one or some of my courses end through no fault of mine and I no longer meet the requirements for the benefit, EDUA Group is going to offer me a new course so that I am still eligible for the benefit.
If I stop meeting the conditions for eligibility for the benefit and do not start meeting the conditions again in the next succeeding month, my eligibility for the benefit will cease. However, if I cease to meet the conditions for entitlement to the benefit between June and August, the qualifying period for re-meeting the conditions is the month of September.
If I terminate my cooperation or stop teaching my last course, my entitlement to the benefit will cease.
How do I get the benefit?
I contact the HR Department ( which will verify eligibility for the benefit.
If the conditions are met, the HR Department will activate my license and send me further instructions.
It is possible to attend a Czech mini-group course.
Lessons of the course are always scheduled as 90 minutes in length, with the preferred form of teaching being online.
Lessons are organized as part of a lesson package, with 1 package containing 8 lessons.
Lessons are organized as one-on-one for 1 participant or group of 3 to 4 participants.
The price of each lesson is based on the number of enrolled participants and is paid as part of a package of 8 lessons (hereinafter referred to as the "course fee"), whereby:
3-4 participants are enrolled in the course - each participant pays 200 CZK per lesson, the total course fee for the participant is 1600 CZK.
1 participant is enrolled in the course - the participant pays 600 CZK per lesson, the total course fee for the participant is 4800 CZK.
When am I eligible for the bonus?
I perform all administrative duties properly and on time.
I communicate with all relevant departments without any problems.
How do I sign up for a course?
Participants register for the course via Google form, the form with more information can be found here.
Group public language course for teachers at JŠ Jipka
The discount depends on my schedule in the following way:
I have a full-time schedule - 100% discount
I have a part-time schedule or I have been working for EDUA Group continually for at least three years and there were no problems in our cooperation - 50% discount
I have a minor schedule - 10% discount
When am I eligible for the benefit?
I have been teaching for James Cook Languages or Jipka for more than three months.
I perform all administrative duties properly and on time.
I communicate with all relevant departments without any problems.
How do I sign up for a course?
I choose a course from
I sign up through JŠ Jipka´s Client Centre or I contact the Public Course Management (
Once my eligibility for the benefit is verified, a discount will be applied to my selected course.
The discount does not apply to the “pomaturitní” (post-secondary) courses.
Professional Top Vision training for teachers
The discount depends on my schedule:
I have a full-time schedule - 100% discount
I have a part-time schedule or I have been working for EDUA Group continually for at least three years and there were no problems in our cooperation - 50% discount
When am I eligible for the benefit?
I have been teaching for James Cook Languages or Jipka for more than three months.
I perform all administrative duties properly and on time.
I communicate with all relevant departments without any problems.
How do I sign up for a course?
I choose a course from
I sign up through the HR department (
Once my eligibility for the benefit is verified, a discount will be applied to my selected course.
Tutor´s prep courses for teachers or their family members
The discount depends on my schedule in the following way:
I have a full-time schedule - 50% discount
I have a part-time schedule or I have been working for EDUA Group continually for at least three years and there were no problems in our cooperation - 20% discount
When am I eligible for the benefit?
I have been teaching for James Cook Languages or Jipka for more than three months.
I perform all administrative duties properly and on time.
I communicate with all relevant departments without any problems.
How do I sign up or sign my family member up?
I choose a course from
I sign up through the Tutor Client Centre or I contact the Preparatory Course Management (
Once my eligibility for the benefit is verified, a discount will be applied to my selected course.
The discount does not apply to the “pomaturitní” (post-secondary) courses.
Individual language courses for teachers at JŠ Jipka with a 30% off a package
When am I eligible for the benefit?
I am a full-time or a part-time teacher or I have been working for EDUA Group continually for at least three years and there were no problems in our cooperation.
I have been teaching for James Cook Languages or Jipka for more than three months.
I perform all administrative duties properly and on time.
I communicate with all relevant departments without any problems.
How do I sign up?
I choose a package of lessons from
I sign up through Jipka´s individual courses department ( or the HR department (
Once my eligibility for the benefit is verified, a discount will be applied to my selected package.
ITIC card
ITIC (International Teacher Identity Card) is the only internationally recognised document for teachers. It gives you a lot of attractive discounts for travelling, cultural events, sports activities, and leisure. For more information, see
The card is valid for 16 months, from September to December of the following year. All cards issued in the same period have the same expiry date.
When am I eligible for the benefit?
I am a full-time teacher.
I have been teaching for James Cook Languages or Jipka for more than a month.
I perform all administrative duties properly and on time.
I communicate with all relevant departments without any problems.
How do I get the benefit?
I contact the HR Department ( which will verify eligibility for the benefit.
If the conditions are met, the HR department will confirm the application form.
I will apply for an online card through
The application must be accompanied by a scan of the ITIC application form, confirmed by the school, a scan of your ID and a colour ID photo. The fee for issuing the ID card is 400 CZK.
Bonus for recommending a new teacher
If you recommend a new teacher and we hire them, you can get a total bonus of up to 5.000 CZK. The bonus is paid twice, after 3 and 12 months of the new teacher´s cooperation with EDUA and depends on the new teacher´s schedule:
between 2 and 9 45-minute lessons a week - 500 CZK bonus
between 10 and 23 45-minute lessons a week - 1.500 CZK bonus
24 or more 45-minute lessons a week - 2.500 CZK bonus
When am I eligible for the bonus?
I recommended a teacher who has been hired and has been teaching for at least three months.
How do I get the bonus?
The first part of the bonus is paid with the pay for the month in which the recommended teacher has been teaching for three months. The second part of the bonus is paid after the recommended teacher has been teaching for 12 months and has kept the Terms and Conditions of the contract.
Bonus for participating in the mandatory training organised for teachers by EDUA Group
A new EDUA Group teacher should attend a set of mandatory teacher training seminars in their first month at the company. The number of seminars and the bonus for attending them depends on the language taught:
Teachers of English - 7 mandatory seminars - 1.500 CZK bonus
Teachers of other languages - 2 mandatory seminars - 400 CZK bonus
If a teacher of a language other than English attends all 7 training seminars, they will also receive a bonus of 1.500 CZK.
When am I eligible for the bonus?
I attended all the mandatory training seminars in the first month of my contract with EDUA Group.
I started teaching at least 3 courses a week (English language teachers only).
How do I get the bonus?
If all conditions are met, the bonus will be paid to me together with the remuneration for services rendered, after three months from the commencement of my teaching, or I will contact the Academic Department (
Bonus for a new client
A teacher who acquires a new client for in-company courses at James Cook Languages will receive a bonus three months after the courses in this company start. The bonus depends on the income from the company:
Category 1: Income of up to 20.000 CZK in 3 months - 2.000 CZK bonus
Category 2: Income between 20.000 CZK and 50.000 CZK in 3 months – 5.000 CZK bonus
Category 3: Income of over 50.000 CZK in 3 months – 10.000 CZK bonus
When am I eligible for the bonus?
I will acquire a new client for James Cook Languages (not a new course in a company that is already a client).
The bonus is paid 3 months after the start of the courses.
The bonus does not apply to demonstration lessons provided for James Cook Languages in tenders.
How do I get the bonus?
Three months after the start of the courses in the new company I contact the Academic Department ( which will verify eligibility for the bonus.
500 CZK bonus for a successful demonstration lesson
When am I eligible for the bonus?
I teach a demo lesson for a tender and EDUA Group wins the tender.
How do I get the bonus?
The bonus will be automatically added to my remuneration after the client confirms the start of the courses or I contact the Academic Department (