Trainings and Workshops
Click here and take a look at what topics we've prepared for you. Should you have any questions regarding individual webinars or other things, don't hesitate and contact us at
Klikněte sem a podívejte se, která všechna témata jsme pro vás připravili. Máte-li jakékoli otázky ohledně jednotlivých webinářů či dalších věcí, pište na
Would you like to sign up for a mandatory training session or an interesting workshop?
Scroll down, simply click on the topic you have picked and you will be forwarded to a particular Doodle poll. While signing up, remember to tick the box next to your name as that is the only way we know that you are 100% keen to participate. Thank you.
If you have any questions about any particular training session, workshop or webinar or if you are not sure how the platform Doodle works, please do not hesitate and contact me at:
Rádi byste se přihlásili na povinný trénink či zajímavý workshop?
Projděte si obsah stránky, klikněte na vámi vybraný webinář a budete přesměrováni na Doodle poll, přes který se přihlásíte. Prosím, myslete na to, že je potřeba zakliknout zelenou fajfku v boxu vedle vašeho jména; ta totiž značí vaši 100% účast. Děkujeme a těšíme se na vás.
Pokud byste měli jakékoliv otázky vztahující se k tréninkům, workshopům, webinářům či přihlašovací platformě Doodle, obraťte se prosím přímo na mě na adrese:
Training sessions and workshops in March
Friday, March 14th
a mandatory training session presented F2F by Adam Tatar
Stages of a lesson
Predicting potential problems and contingency planning
Drafting a lesson
a mandatory training session presented F2F by Adam Tatar
Types of mistakes
When (not) to correct mistakes
How (not) to correct mistakes
a mandatory training session presented F2F by Danielle Kindle
Choosing the right textbook
Making the most of a textbook
Using authentic materials
Monday, March 17th
an optional webinar presented online by April Mislan
How to design interactive, fun, and hands-on activities
Inspiration as well as specific tips on what to do and how
Practical application to immediately use in your next lesson
Tuesday, March 18th
nepovinný webinář vede online Kristián Centek
Využití AI při plánování lekcí
Využití AI pro aktivity v hodině
Zkoumání nástrojů AI pro výuku
Wednesday, March 19th
Challenging High Levels (14.00-16.00) CANCELLED
an optional webinar presented online by Adam Tatar
Identifying higher levels
Materials and topics for higher-level students
Planning your own higher-level lesson
Thursday, March 20th
a mandatory webinar presented online by Kara Magaleas
Difference between general English and business English
Business English textbooks and other materials
Main principles of leading a BE course
nepovinný webinář vede online Katka Hrušková
Proč a kdy jako lektoři mluvíme příliš (a zbytečně)
Jak zadávat aktivity tak, aby studenti mluvili co nejvíce
Příklady aktivit s vysokým STT
Friday, March 21st
a mandatory training session presented F2F by Adam Tatar
What is taught and what students should know at what level
Guidelines to determine the student's level (considering all skills: speaking, writing, listening and reading)
Examples of production of different level students
a mandatory training session presented F2F by Kara Magalhaes
Why teachers might talk too much
Magic formula for reducing TTT
Where and how to increase STT
an optional workshop presented F2F by Danielle Kindle
Using AI for lesson planning
Using AI for activities
Exploring AI tools
a mandatory training session presented F2F by Katka Hrušková
Stages of a lesson
Predicting potential problems and contingency planning
Drafting a lesson
Monday, March 24th
nepovinný webinář vede online Katka Hrušková
Proč a zejména jak maximálně zapojit studenty
Efektivní práce lektora v různých fázích lekce (instrukce, oprava chyb atd.)
Role lektora při párové a skupinové práci
a mandatory webinar presented online by Danielle Kindle
Use of basic Google slides features
How to create interactive lesson materials
The focus is on using tech effectively, not computer basics. If you’re not tech-savvy, the F2F workshop might be better.
Tuesday, March 25th
povinný webinář vede online Kristián Centek
Výhody a nevýhody online lekcí
Nástroje pro online výuku
Tipy a doporučení
Wednesday, March 26th
Conversation Lessons (14.00-16.00) CANCELLED
an optional webinar presented online by Adam Tatar
Common problems with conversation lessons
Students' needs and expectations
How to keep conversation lessons productive - lesson planning and materials
Friday, March 28th
a mandatory training session presented F2F by Adam Tatar
Types of mistakes
When (not) to correct mistakes
How (not) to correct mistakes
a mandatory training session presented F2F by Kara Magaleas
Difference between general English and business English
Business English textbooks and other materials
Main principles of leading a BE course
a mandatory training session presented F2F by Katka Hrušková
Choosing the right textbook
Making the most of a textbook
Using authentic materials
Monday, March 31st
an optional webinar presented online by Katka Hrušková
The challenges of first lessons and how to deal with them
What to do in first lessons
Exploit a coursebook or build your own lesson
an optional webinar presented online by Danielle Kindle
Organizing your time and materials
Achieving work-life balance
Lesson planning shortcuts (NOT methodology! just maximum result with minimum effort)
Training sessions and workshops in April
Tuesday, April 1st
an optional webinar presented online by Adam Tatar
Learning the language, not learning about it
Planning your lesson to maximize the potential for speaking
Examples of student-centered activities
Thursday, April 3rd
a mandatory webinar presented online by Katka Hrušková
Choosing the right textbook
Making the most of a textbook
Using authentic materials
Friday, April 4th
a mandatory training session presented F2F by Adam Tatar
What is taught and what students should know at what level
Guidelines to determine the student's level (considering all skills: speaking, writing, listening and reading)
Examples of production of different level students
a mandatory training session presented F2F by Kara Magalhaes
Why teachers might talk too much
Magic formula for reducing TTT
Where and how to increase STT
a mandatory training session presented F2F by Danielle Kindle
Use of basic Google slides features
How to create interactive lesson materials
The focus is on using tech effectively, not computer basics. If you’re not tech-savvy, the F2F workshop might be better.
Monday, April 7th
an optional webinar presented online by Danielle Kindle
Using AI for lesson planning
Using AI for activities
Exploring AI tools
Tuesday, April 8th
nepovinný webinář vede online Kristián Centek
Výhody a nevýhody online lekcí
Nástroje pro online výuku
Tipy a doporučení
Wednesday, April 9th
an optional webinar presented online by Adam Tatar
Identifying higher levels
Materials and topics for higher-level students
Planning your own higher-level lesson
Friday, April 11th
a mandatory training session presented F2F by Adam Tatar
Types of mistakes
When (not) to correct mistakes
How (not) to correct mistakes
a mandatory training session presented F2F by Kara Magaleas
Difference between general English and business English
Business English textbooks and other materials
Main principles of leading a BE course
a mandatory training session presented F2F by Katka Hrušková
Stages of a lesson
Predicting potential problems and contingency planning
Drafting a lesson
Monday, April 14th
an optional webinar presented online by Katka Hrušková
How to make grammar lessons effective
Spicing up guided practice
Creating engaging free practice
Wednesday, April 16th
a mandatory training session presented F2F by Adam Tatar
What is taught and what students should know at what level
Guidelines to determine the student's level (considering all skills: speaking, writing, listening and reading)
Examples of production of different level students
Tuesday, April 22nd
a mandatory webinar presented online by Kristián Centek
Use of basic Google slides features
How to create interactive lesson materials
The focus is on using tech effectively, not computer basics. If you’re not tech-savvy, the F2F workshop might be better.
Friday, April 25th
a mandatory training session presented F2F by Adam Tatar
Stages of a lesson
Predicting potential problems and contingency planning
Drafting a lesson
a mandatory training session presented F2F by Adam Tatar
Types of mistakes
When (not) to correct mistakes
How (not) to correct mistakes
a mandatory training session presented F2F by Kara Magalhaes
Why teachers might talk too much
Magic formula for reducing TTT
Where and how to increase STT
Monday, April 28th
an optional webinar presented online by Danielle Kindle
Types of short activities and why we need them in our lessons
How to prepare them effectively and recycle
How to adapt them using technology for both online and F2F lessons
Tuesday, April 29nd
nepovinný webinář vede online Kristián Centek
Využití AI při plánování lekcí
Využití AI pro aktivity v hodině
Zkoumání nástrojů AI pro výuku