OKbase is the HR system through which teachers working on a DPP contract (dohoda o provedení práce) can access their pay slips.
How do I log in to OKbase?
OKbase can be found at https://eduagroup.okbase.cz/.
Follow the instructions to log into the system:
Uživatelské jméno (user name): Enter the same username you use to log in to Schoolpartner.
Heslo (password): the initial password is set as four or three digits after the slash of your birth registration number (rodné číslo) / for foreigners (without birth registration number) the date of birth in the format yyyyMMdd
Databáze (database): EDUA Group
Organizace (organisation): choose one of the companies you have a contract with - James Cook Languages, Jipka moje jazykovka, School of languages or Jipka - vzdělávání. In case you have signed contracts with more than one company in EDUA, you need to log in to each company separately. Each company/organisation has its own pay slip. Therefore, select the organisation according to which pay slip you are currently interested in.
Click on the blue "Přihlásit se" button.
The first time you log in, you will be prompted to change your password to your own password. Remember your password.
Současné heslo = your current password
Nové heslo = your new password
Nové heslo znovu = your new password again
What if I forget my login password?
Enter your username (uživatelské jméno).
Enter any information in the "Heslo" field.
Click on "Přihlásit se".
A red notification will appear at the top where you can click "Obnovit zapomenuté heslo"? (Reset forgotten password?).
Then confirm that you are interested in resetting your password and the information needed to reset will be sent to your email.
OKbase overview
After logging into OKbase, the home page opens. After clicking on your name in the upper right part of the page, a menu will open where you will find the "Nastavení" (settings) menu. Here you can customize the appearance of the application, the language used or the password.
On the home page or in the left menu you can find the basic options of the application:
Board - display an overview of new events.
Personal data - here you can find the personal data we record about you. If there is a change, please inform the HR department (teacher.hr@eduagroup.cz).
Pay slip - used to access your pay slip. You will need to re-enter your password to access your payslip.
In the left-hand menu you will also find "Wage documents". Do not use this option for now. If you wish to apply for a taxpayer declaration, please email the HR department (teacher.hr@eduagroup.cz).